The Devil Jodorowsky - Camoin

The Devil Jodorowsky – Camoin

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The devil, Major Arcana XV, It has to do with all the instincts and passions, of any nature, concerning the consultant. E’ a good wishes for issues creativity. Represents powers deep the psyche, magnetism, hypnosis, the ability to influence.

These powers is up to us to decide how to use them, hence the importance to be given to this Arcanum, must able to assess well the effects that may occur because the paper itself is neutral but if we are influenced by our ego can harm others.

It can also represent a contract promising, but as with regards to the psychic powers mentioned before, the contract must be evaluated carefully to every detail in order not to be fooled. The Devil fact It can lead to both the fortune to ruin. Repeat, It is a neutral paper in this kind of circumstances.

A level creative It represents a talent rich and deep, inspiration, an intense creative energy.

Avoid using the religious implications suggested by its name, in fact the devil comes to our rescue to try to understand such barriers They are to be overcome. For example creative barriers, sexual or hitches in our unconscious that mean that certain situations present themselves and re-presenting with a certain rhythm in our lives.

It can also determine the’obtaining something to which we dedicate some time, or perhaps even through unorthodox methods… however, the possible outcomes are always carefully consider, not from a moralistic point of view but above all to avoid harming ourselves and others. The outcome is inherent in the real reason why you want to get something… This is always to be considered carefully…

Good all things to all!

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