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Nella lettura online di oggi 29/01/2016 he's out

The sun

The Sun Tarot of Marseilles Jodorowsky - Camoin

The Sun Tarot of Marseilles Jodorowsky – Camoin

A day “fortunate” where you do not feel alone, you are optimistic. If not try to figure out what will be energy or if you feel like new. In which case strive to put in motion the project to get the news. No matter what you manage to get it or not, what matters is starting the project. That alone motivates you to “produce” new energy, that will make you feel better. For those who may try to spend some’ of time with his father, or the figure that represents a father figure, without sclerotized in principles paternal stagnant… it takes forever adaptation. Rest assured that if you “light” you will get the better situations that will occur today. The Sun always offers a Help and heat, But do not go overboard… The Sun can also burn. If you can help someone, sometimes it takes very little, such as a smile or a hug at the right time, a thank you or a please. Always remember that we are also others for others, so in a nutshell The Sun suggests doing unto others as you'd have them do to us.

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