di Jodorowsky-Camoin

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The Emperor, IIII. Note that in the Tarot of Marseilles the 4 as well as the 9, the 14 and the 19 which in the Tarot are indicated by Roman numerals, They are always given by the sum of the previous plus one. Ie 4 that would be in Roman numerals IV in the Tarot is III I, the 9 IX that would instead VIIII, or VIII I. This is an aspect that indicates the growth of the route suggested by the Tarot instead of a subtraction.

The number 4 symbolizes the safety in the material world; The Emperor is, in summary, the stability land. It is the starting point and the confidence to embark on new experiences. They, instead, the 4 It is considered a purpose, then it will lead to stagnation and decay.

The arcane IIII indicates everything It is solid, practical, which it is intended to last, thanks to a will constructive and not willful, the time. It recalls all principles of honor: loyalty, justice, strictness, legality. Shows generally a positive situation, clear to live with optimism.

It symbolizes skills control and independence. Often it represents the figure of the father, a stable mate, protective or, in a young, the idea of ​​masculinity transmitted through the father or a male figure important that he took the place of the father. But also the son.

It indicates economic stability or to become masters of their own material existence, generally grasp the management of their own lives.

Good all things to all

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