The Empress in online reading today 11/02/2016.

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The Empress of the Tarot of Marseilles Jodorowsky – Camoin

after the readings in recent days it seems that there is still fear in wanting to let go of old habits and explore new horizons even if the judgment The Force yesterday and the days before suggested to do so. Now it turns out the fear for the future, a future that you feel uncertain and cold. Be aware of your ability, including your limits. This will be the first step in order to advance towards the future sure an idea that scares you. The Empress brings with it a good dose of aim e intelligence. As I entrust to them a healthy initiative it is impossesserà of you and you can carry this toward that “future” that scares you a little '. Spend time with a female member of your family and they will not cling to your safety but you dare, osate, osate. L’Imperatrice suggerisce una giornata positiva.

For those battling both school exams that working assumes a success.

Good day.

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